The new Sports Hall is erected within an old walled garden adjacent to the recently installed all weather pitch. Accommodation includes a large hall which can be subdivided and caters for many sports, school assemblies, and exams, changing rooms for indoor and outdoor sports and a large weights room. The structure is reinforced concrete with glulam roof beams and structural steel secondary structure, extensive acoustic timber wall panelling in the hall and is clad externally in brick.
The sports hall is naturally ventilated with air supply via floor grilles with dampers along two sides and high level opening windows. There is back up extract fans for extreme situations. The glulam beams are 30 metres long and 1900mm x 215 mm in cross section and span the width of the hall. Stability of the structure relies upon the plate action of the roof which has been achieved in conjunction with keeping the rooflit spaces between glulam beams free of structure.